What is Git and and Github?
My Github Link :- Git & Github
Hey guys, we are living in the world of technology and here we often listen many terminology which may
related to any field .Here we going to discuss about a famous terminology "Git & Github". Perhaps
there will be someone in this world who is involved in technology and software development and does not
know about Git and Github, it will be a wonderful thing for us. People have some other misconception
about Git & Github .GitHub can integrate with common platforms and services such as
Amazon, Google Cloud, and Code Climate. It can highlight syntax in more than 200
different programming languages.Let's start ---
Basically Git is open source distributed version control system.People often confused about distributed
version control system(DVCS).It means that many developer add code in parallel way and it store the
code content and when we perform any changes in code bases on our local pc, it keep track their
changes.It is developed by Linus Torvalds in 2005 for the development of linux kernel. It is designed to
handle minor and major project with high speed in efficient ways.one more thing about git is that it is the
foundation of many services like Github .
Note:- Git is not programming language .
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